Week#7 My School Life

My school day is as typical as all the others depending on the day. School is really fun for me but other people despise school. I love school because adults want to go out of there way to help us learn new things so the least we can do is show respect back to them. The subject I love is math. My school is very good with mixing up drama but there are the kids that are shy or get left out stop that and make my school a better place. My school is such a cool fun place. Are school peers always try to make our school a better place. Please comment down below on how you feel about school.

One Response

  1. Naomie Online at |

    Hi Madelyn!
    I am Naomie Online from Montreal, Canada. My favorite subject is art. I find it cool that you like math. My school is super fun. I totally agree with you that adults come in every morning to teach us. The least we can do is listen and show respect. Great Post!

    Best of Luck,
    -Naomie Online
    Here is my URL: http://naomieonlinep.edublogs.org/


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